

Mark has a great idea: to create an investigation club, ”The Sherlock Holmes Club”. Then, a girl has a problem so she goes to the club trying to look for help.

her grandad died and now Mrs Westerley is in the house. The girl goes there every weekend. In this house there is a library with portraits and these portraits have rubies.

Last Monday she went to the house and she saw Mrs Westerley taking the rubies from the portraits and Mrs Westerley gave something to the girl so she fell asleep. When she got up, she saw that the portrait wasn’t there so Mark and David investigated the problem and they found the solution.


One day, a girl called Holly, was having dinner with her family. Holly wanted her dad to change his car, because it was very big, it was using a lot of petrol and it was polluting too much. But her father said that he asked to his boss if he could work at home instead of going by car and he said yes. Then, her father wanted to cut the old tree that was in the garden and make a new office there. But Holly didn’t want to cut the tree and she decided to live there until he could change his opinion.

One day, it started to rain and the tree house started to move; Holly was very scared and started crying until the tree house broke and Holly fell down.

The next day, Holly and her family cut the old tree and they planted a new one. Now, all of them were very happy.


One day, in Seaburgh, in a hotel, there was a man called Paxton. He asked two men (one of them called Henry Long and the other name isn’t said in the story) if they knew something about a church that had a symbol with three crowns. They didn´t know anything about it but they became good friends.
The next day, Paxton found that church and he went there. Then, he asked an old man:
- Excuse me! What do you know about this symbol? And the old man said:
- The crowns that are in this symbol are magic. And the old man asked again:
- And where are they? But he didn’t receive any help but he still wanted to find them.
Some days later, he found two of the crowns and when he found the third one a shadow, that was William Agers, the owner of the three crowns, appeared. He was very angry and when Paxton looked at him… he had died!!!


Chairon and Jason spent eighteen years in Mont Pelion because Chairon was the teacher of Jason. He taught Jason how to fight and how to hunt animals with a bow. He also learnt the plant’s name.

Jason wanted to reconquer the kingdom of his dad because his uncle took it. He went to the palace and said to his uncle to give the kingdom back to him. He said that he will need a crew and a strong ship. When the ship was finished they put the name of “Arago”, then they sent cards to all of parts of Greece. No much later the crew started to come. They only needed one more passenger. Hercules asked if he could go with them. They accepted. The crew was completed, and Jason said that they were “the Argonauts”. They went to different places and they met people who helped them to find the Golden Fleece. Finally, they found the Golden Fleece in the Island Colchise. They had to sleep the dragon that was keeping the Golden Fleece.

When they had it, they returned to Greece to give the Golden Fleece to Jason’s uncle, and he gave the kingdom of his father back to Jason.


Once upon a time, one boy called David wanted to be like David Delgado, his favorite detective. One boy of his School had lost his bike and told David to help him. He started to look for it and he saw some boys playing with his friend’s bike. Finally, David called his friend and took the bike after having argued with the other boys. David was very happy because he had discovered and solved the problem.


There is a man who always wants to get home when he finishes her work. When he enters his house, he always wants to stretch the legs and relaxes, but he can never do it because his house is very noisy. His wife is always playing the piano, his two older children are singing, and his two younger children are running. He always talks to a clever woman and the clever woman tries to help but it is impossible. Then, he decides to go to visit the clever woman’s house again till one day he enters his house again and he realizes that nobody is being noisy in there. The house is totally in silence this time.


Jan, a student, has to prepare a “time capsule” for a History Project and bury it. One night, while a terrible storm, she goes to her garden where one flash of light falls near there.

Now, she is not in the present, she has travelled in the time.


In 1866 a new boat came back from sea every week in the same store: a giant whale, a hundred meters long came near our boat.Then they wanted to discover the whale and see what happened when they left to discover it after a day the ship brake. The Captain Nemo found three men in the cold see for 20,000 leagues. These men lived together on the nautilus. They found a town on the sea floor. But we don’t know if they could escape from Nemo’s submarine.

I recommend it for those who like adventure.


Nothing Hill was a beautiful town that lived a famous person called Anna Scot, who is an American film star. She is very beautiful. Then a normal person called William Tacker that has a book shop of travelling books that not so much people go by meets her. He shares house with Spike who isn’t the most tidy person. So the house is always a mess. One day something changes, for seconds, he saw Anna Scott looking with the intention of buying in his book shop! He was petrified but he needed to stay calm. Like all the famous persons didn’t talk a lot. Then William dripped accidently an orange juice so like a good person, he decides to invite her to his house to change but after that, Anna kisses William. Meanwhile Anna didn’t talk with him about the confusing kiss because Anna’s ‘’boyfriend’’ came back and William and Anna had an argument and they didn’t talk ‘’for a long’’ time. One day Anna went to his bookshop to say sorry but William said that it was not a good idea.

Some days after Anna published that she was going to another place and she would do a press conference for answering all the questions. William and his sister drove as fast as they could, (knowing that before Wlilliam didn’t want to go ) to be there and ask her in an anonymous way if she could forget all what he said and be again with her, and finally she accepts.



One day in the morning a boy called Alexis was very excited, because that day he didn’t have school ,then he went to the Roman theatre they sat down when an angry man arrived there and he said that was his sit his name was Hippias , he puts very angry he said what was the Roman Empire , he had black and long hair and Brown eyes , then Alexis went with his best friend Lucian up the hill when they listened a music of a flute , then went up to the valley when they saw a girl playing her flute , her name was Corinna , Corinna and Alexis made Friends. Lucian said to Alexis that Alexis liked him . Corinna and Alexis discovered that Hippias was planning a plan, then Alexis went where Hippias and … Alexis dressed like a Farmer boy and was spying, he was planning an excuse because he was there.

They caught him and took with a rope the hands and legs then Corinna and Lucian saved him. The next day they went to a party.


Merlin and Uthen were talking, and Uther says that the sword ‘’Excalibur’’ was bewitched by Merlin.

Merlin wants that sword but he has to make a promise to the ‘‘Lady Of The Lake’’ If he wants to get that sword.

Years passed, and the Qween has a son, and forgets the promise, if he doesn’t give Merlin the sword “Excalibur” Merlin takes the baby, he doesn’t do it.

Later, it was raining, Merlin puts “Excalibur” inside of a rock, and only Arthur can get out of that rock the sword of “Excalibur”.


Mrs Mothersole is hanged under the suspicion of being a witch after Mr Fell described her climb into an ash tree outside Castringham Hall. He and later his grandson are killed by strange hairy animals. When the tree is burnt down, the bones of a woman are found. Mr Sampson teaches Latin and he is well liked because he asks students to invent sentences. He keeps a coin with his initials. Then strange things happen. Mr Sampson disappears. A year later, his bones and the coin are found in a well. Mr Denton loves books. He must get curtains for his new house but buys an old diary instead. He finds a nice drawing and has it turned into the design for the curtains. But it is the hair of a dead student.


The story was a little bit scary from my point of view.


Phileas Fogg was an exact man.

He lived in London. He had a house in Savile Row and he slept there. He had a club with all his friends, in the club they played a game of cards.

One day he said: I can go around the world in eighty days. His Friends said: It’s impossible. Then he made a bet of twenty thousand pounds with his friends.

Suddenly, he started his adventure around the world, having incredible experiences.

He travelled from London to Bombay, Hong Kong and New York by ship and railway. He had a lot of difficulties but at the end he arrived on time in eighty days.


I liked these book more or less because at first it was interesting because I love mystery but then it started getting a little bit boring the book was made up of 1 story:

I liked a lot these story because it was really interesting, it was about a man that loves animals more than nothing in the world and his wife too. He was having a black cat called Pluto but during a few years he was changing and he started hitting his wife and his beautiful cat Pluto one day he was so mad whit his cat that he hang him from the neck to a tree and a few moments later Pluto died. Then another black cat always stood on the window and his wife let the cat enter the house. Then he started hating the cat so, so much so he started avoiding the cat because he didn’t want to happen the same with Pluto but as much he avoided he the cat the cat was loving he more the cat liked him the cat always sat under his chair the cat followed him everywhere. But one day he was going up stairs and he looked at the cat and then he fell down the stairs he went so angry that he took the axe and tried to kill the cat but he didn’t do it. But the next day he killed the cat…because he was giving him bad luck. Then he started feeling so happy because the cat wasn’t there. And he became evil with time and he stayed alone in his old house. THE END


That there is a band of rock called Rock stars and they are in a pub that is called Eight Bells.There are three artists they are called:Viv,Dave and Annie. They go to a concert and all the people want Slashers they, were throwing things and then Viv takes Dave’s guitar and sings a Jamaican song and all the people likes it.When the song finishes Dave says to Viv:good! You can do more!,but don’t do all because I am the one who writes the mmusic.Dave and Viv they didn’t like each other.In their first tour Dave was going to sing his new song called “Black and White” and Viv says : I’m not going to sing this song, and then Dave sings it.One day Annie goes to the pub and she seesDave and she says if he wants to come to the bandm but he says that no and at the momento Viv and Annie are in the band.


The book tells three stories about the best detective in the world, called Sherlock Holmes and his good assistant Watson. They solved some difficult mystery cases and, for Holmes they were too easy.
The first story, The six Napoleons, is about a black pearl hid in a bust of Napoleon, there were thieves that they wanted it and one was killed.
The second story, The Norwood builder, is about a person that hates a family, he did a ruse, because all people though that he was killed by McFarlane, he did a hiding place with a wall and he had food, drinks and papers.
The third story, the golden glasses, is about a rich man who is secretary was killed, and the murderer was his wife, she entered but she didn’t leave the house, she was finally discovered by Holmes and she poisoned herself.
My opinion for this book is very good, my favourite books are the mystery ones, I recommend it a lot.


A woman called Liz teaches and learns archeology, in Athens. She was very tired, so when she met her doctor they agreed to have a rest. So finally she went to Sifnos, and stayed on Stavro’s house. She took a boat very early in the morning. She read some pages of the guidebook and discovered some of the stories about Sifnos. One of the stories told that Apollo made all the gold mines in Sifnos fall into the sea. When she arrives to the island of Sifnos, a group of 3 men called her, but Liz ignores them. After she ate, she took a taxi to Populati were some friends of Stavros were going to show her the house. One day in the morning, Liz hears some noises. It was Eleni and some people from the island who told her that Yiannis was inside a boat plenty of fire. Then she took another taxi to Populati to talk with Stavros. Liz tells him all the things that there’ve happened, Yiannis dies, there were strange people in a yacht… Liz and Stavros felt bad, but Stavros told her that he would come and help Liz. Liz was suspecting about the 3 men she saw, but she can’t do anything because Stavros was coming. Another day she goes to have lunch with them to see if she can discover something. The men on the ship took her around the sea while they were having lunch. Then she discovers that inside a cupboard there are hidden guns, and they were going to sell them. When a man discovers that Liz knows her secret, they decide to kill her. But before one of the men helps her escape from the yacht. Finally, both end up on an island tied, Liz uses the knife that she had to remove the ropes. The next day, the other two men arrive to the island, then they were killed with a shoot, Stavros came with a police officer and saved to all of them.



In the small village of Tredoland two old friends called Megan and Huw fell in love. But is their love strong enough?

They will have to prove it. Megan’s family is a normal family who had a shop and Megan’s father has planned a brilliant future for her daughter, and Huw wasn’t there. Meanwhile Huw’s family is formed by his alcoholic father, his brother and himself. He and his brother were miners and they had to live the school because they didn’t had enough money.

His brother died in the mine crushed by some rocks two days before, Megan and Huw become a couple. He and his father live Tredoland and went to Toronto with his uncle because they didn’t had money. In there, Huw makes a new live without his love Megan in Toronto, and Megan will have to start a new live without Huw. Will they find other person that makes them feel the same way? Will they forget about each other? Or will their love survive?


Peter and Carla are students. They live in the Bath England: they like the city. While they are walking at the shops they hear music. They go to a café to drink. The shopkeeper says that his coins are missing. He thinks Peter and Carla have the coins, but it is not the truth. The policeman finds the missing coins in the flute player’s hat. The shopkeeper is so pleased with Peter and Carla that he, in return, gives Peter the stamps that he wants.



With the help of the unicorn Sir Branwyn goes to Simon’s house and accuses him of killing a deer. Sir Branwyn gets really angry and sends Simon to prison, separating Rhiannon from her family. Rhiannon works for Sir Branwyn looking for truffles in the forest. Rhiannon finds truffles but Sir Branwyn’s men do not find any. Sir Branwyn follows Rhiannon and he sees that Rhiannon is helped by a magic unicorn. Sir Branwyn gets so angry that his heart starts bleeding, which eventually leads to his death. The new King is Sir Branwyn’s brother, who is nice and kind and releases everybody from prison. I didn't like a lot this book because I think it could be for people older than me.


One day a woman, Hepzibah, had a biscuit store and she was old and tired so she it wanted to close the sop. Then her cousin came for a visit to say if she could stay in her house two weeks. The woman accepted. Phoebe met Hepzibah’s gardener. He also took pictures of people’s faces. And they invited her brother to eat with them. The man looked like a man of a picture Phoebe open the shop again. A man came to the shop to ask for Clifford. After he went to the house but Clifford didn’t wont to see him. The man wanted to put Clifford into prison and then she died. People started to ask for the Judge. It was a heart attack.


One night E.T comes to the Earth with his friends from the space ship. The visitors have to leave quickly but E.T arrives late. So he has to stay in the Earth because the space ship goes without him. E.T likes Earth but it is a dangerous place for him. He meets Eliot, an Earth boy and goes to his home. Eliot loves E.T and he wants to help him but there are some scientists in the sources of the Little town that they are looking for E.T. E.T has to get away from them, but how?? Read the book to know it. This is the end of the book.


I liked this book, but I have to tell you that it is for very brave people.

In this book there are six ghost stories that are quite terrible and there is a lot of mistery.
Will you believe in ghosts after reading this book?

I will tell you two of the six stories.

The first one is room 7. A man was driving the car when the lights stored to fail. Then he decided to stay at a hotel called “The Goat”. They gave him Room 7. And when he was sleeping he Heard a voice, it was an old man…

The second one is A Ghost in the Garden. One day, a man was cutting the branches of a tree, and when the night arrived he Heard something in the window and suddenly…