

1ST STORY: One girl called Sally brown goes to stay at Norric village. In there, she sees some strange things. One night Sally gets up from the bed and sees something and starts to talk to it. The voices she listens tell her about "The Locket", Sally is frightened. Next day, Sally tells Miss Dodson. Miss Dodson remembers two children that died long time ago and they called Miss Dodson "mee Lee". Sally told that they were trying to find the locket and then Miss Dodson said that the locket was an object from the ghosts room. So they left it on a table and next day there was nothing on the table and the ghosts didn't appear any more.

2ND STORY: One boy called Harry York is going to a new school. At night a priest enters to the room and wakes Harry. The priest tells to kneel on the floor and pray for the priest. He gets out of the bed and prays. The priest was visiting every night Harry. One night his friend wakes up and sees Harry talking to somebody. The other boys laugh at Harry. One day Harry tells his teacher, but his teacher doesn't believe him. Next day Harry decides to talk to the headmaster. When he told the headmaster, all believe him because he had also lived it. The headmaster changes them to another room. When they move the things they find an skeleton. It was the priest! Two scientists tell the headteacher and the three boys the real story about the priest, and they decide to bury him.
3RD STORY: One girl called Sarah is moving to a new house with her parents. Sarah is in her room, and looks herself in an old mirror, there is a girl laughing. Sarah is frightened. When Sarah comes back to her house the mirror is in her bedroom. The mirror has a blanket and every time that Sarah moves the blanket she hears someone laughing. Sarah is going another time to the attic when suddenly the door closes. She is locked. She is trying to find Annie, but the mirror is in the bedroom. She hears a voice, and she starts to talk with her. Annie is angry when Sarah´s mother calls her. Then, Sarah opens her eyes. It was just a dream!!!

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