

Penny is a girl who lived in a house in the country and always played with her friends, also played with a dog named Holly. One day, they had to move to a town but Penny did not want to leave Holly alone. Her mother did not want to take her because they wanted to live in an apartment. Near the apartment there was a park where she played all the evenings. One day, Penny found a dog in a trash, she took it home but her father did not want it, she was hiding it until she found a place to put the dog without her mother's knowledge. Penny took her out every day to the park, and one day she met a woman with a dog and asked if she could keep a puppy but she said couldn’t do it. Then, Penny looked for a solution; she left it at school because it was summer and nobody was there. Some days later, she went there and found the class dirty and totally destroyed. She decided to stay with him at school. Her mother worried, so she called the police and found her 7 days after. Penny told him the reason of having left. Since then, Penny takes care of Holly at home.

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