

One day Mr. Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson received a visit from a friend of Sherlock Holmes called Mr. Mortimer. He told them that Sir. Charles of Baskerville died and he told them the story: Hugo Baskerville fell in love with a women but she didn’t want to marry him so Hugo with his friends kidnapped her. She escaped and ran across the moor as far as possible but Hugo’s friends found his horse but they didn’t find him. Then they found the body of Hugo and the girl dead. Since then no one was the same. Dr. Mortimer said a secret to them. He said that when the battler found his body he had footprints on him, the footprints were of a giant hound. The only heir from America is Henry. Sherlock said to Mr. Mortimer that he wanted to meet him the next day. The next day Sherlock and Watson met Henry. He said that he found a note in his door that said: “If you want to live, stay away from the moor”. Then they lived in the Sherlocks and Watson’s house. Sherlock said to Watson to follow them. They discovered that a man was following them with a cab of horses, when the man knew that they were following him he said to the driver to go faster. Sherlock sent Watson to go with Henry and Devon. When they arrived, Dr. Mortimer asked the driver what was happening because it was a man with a gun. The driver said that they were looking for a prisoner of the local prison. The next day Watson went for a walk and then he followed a path, he met Stapleton and her sister and they invited him to have a tea. His sister said that henry had to go away from this place because he was very dangerous for him. At night Dr. Watson saw Barrymore looking at the window. He and Harry decided to wait for him the next night. They discovered that Mr. Barrymore was doing a sign with the candle to the moor and he got an answer. Mrs. Barrymore explained that they were telling his brother (the prisoner) that they had food for him. Mr. Harry told them to go to their room and they went to look for the prisoner. He escaped but they found another man on a rock. Mr. Watson decided to go and looked for him, and he found a cave. The man was Sherlock Holmes and he discovered that Miss Stapleton was not Mr. Stapleton’s sister, she was his wife. When they were talking in the cave they heard a scream. They thought that Henry Baskerville was dead on the ground because he was wearing his jacket, but he was the prisoner. They thought that Stapleton was the murderer. They went to talk to Henry and they were looking at the family pictures. Then they saw a picture of Stapleton and they discovered he was a Baskerville. Sherlock had a plan. He said to Henry if he could say to Stapleton that they had returned to London, and also he asked him that he returned home walking across the moor after having dinner with Stapleton. The hound tried to kill Henry but Holmes and Watson killed the hound with their guns. Then they were where Stapleton kept the hound and they found the boot of Mr Henry.

They discovered that Stapleton had a hound and used him to kill the Baskerville family. After that case they went to celebrate it to the opera.

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