

This book has got three different stories. The first, the Canterville ghost, was a story about an American family that went on holidays to Canterville, they were very rich, and they bought the haunted house in Canterville that had a ghost in it. In the story they tell us that the American family didn’t get scared about the ghost, it was the other way round! The ghost was angry with the family because they didn’t get scared, besides he was scared about the twins in the family because of their ``funny´´ jokes. The ghost has to find the way to frighten the family and get them out of the house, but, is that his real objective?
The second story (my favourite one) was about a man called Arthur that went to a party, in there, there was a chiromantist that read the future of the people by their hands. Arthur tried it and the chiromantist told him that in the future he would 4@3#0=7&, but he didn’t say who (but I think he knew it because of his face expression). Arthur was frightened because he was going to marry soon, and he didn’t want to 4@3#0=7& meanwhile he was married, so he decided to do it before the wedding. He postposed the wedding and made a list with his friends, after a long thought he decided what to do. He tried it, but it wasn’t as easy as he thought. In the end he had a happy wedding with his wife.
This last story was about a man that fell in love with a beautiful girl, the only problem of that girl was that she always hided something, the men was always curious about the secret, but the woman still didn’t tell him the truth, it’s a good story and also short but I ’ve liked more the others.
I would recommend this book because, although that I didn’t like the third one, the first two stories are very good, so you should read it.

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