Ishmael joins the trip of the Pequod, a whaling ship helmed by Captain Ahab. There, he meets a strange man, the harpooner Kwee-keeg. Captain Ahab reveals that a white whale, Moby Dick, once bit off his leg. As the Pequod traverses the whaling grounds, Ahab continuous seek information from other boats as to the white whale's location. In a deadly confrontation with Moby Dick, the entire crew of the Pequod was killed, also captain Ahab and only Ismhael survive , who lives to tell the story.

Mulan (Lluc Pellicer)
The book is about a family that lives
in China. In times of war one man from every must join the army and his
father´s name is the first on the list, but his father is old and ill and he
can´t fight Mulan has a liitle brother that who can’t fight either and she
decides that she will.
She will be like a boy. She tells his family
and goes to buy a horse to leave Mulan rides for two days until she saw
thousands of soldiers with their tents. There she met Ye Ming and they bacame
friend in the battle Mulan fights bravely, she saved her friend and after many
hours the Chinese army wins the battle, everyone considered that she is a hero
and the Empero´r wants reward her, she is demanded back to home with her
Mulan came back
and everyone was very happy. Ye Ming went to visit her and he discovered that
she was a girl, he asked for marriage, they got married and they were very happy.
Treasure Island (Paula Xu)
Once upon a time there was a
family, the dad, the son (Jim) and the mother. The father had an inn near the
sea, it was kind of quite, but on day an old man called Captain. So he came
there because he want some food and a bed, before that he put some money on the
table, let’s say that’s the money for paying. He was quit but in the evenings
he like to sat and watch the sea, One day Captain talk to Jim, and he said:
“Come here boy”, and he gave Jim some money “Take this and look out with a
sailor with one leg. After Captain died because of a disease, and then Jim went
with some pirates, Dr Livesey, John Silver and Mr Trelawney to find a treasure
with the map that Captain gave to him before dying, after several days they found the treasure
but they did not take it away, they left it where it was and they protected it
so that the pirates would not find it.
Londo (Sara Girona)
This book talks about the story
of London and the actual life in it. London is a small city but plenty of
people. In 1900, it was the biggest city in the world. The book also talks
about the good and bad years in the history of London. Buckingham palace is one
of the most important palaces in the world. London is plenty of incredible
buildings including the Big Ben, London eye, London tower, Britannic museum,
hide park… this book was very useful for me because now i learn lots of things
about London. As tom jones said, when a person is tired of London is tired
about life.
The night of the green dragon (Sara Baeza)
This is a man that wakes up in the hospital and his name is Howards
and there was a man too that he was going to ask some questions because there
was a dead body.
When the men asked the question he only could remember a green
dragon and a pool full of blood and he even didn’t remember his name.
But then day by day he could remember everything that happened.
The inspector thought that the killer of the dead body it was he,
but he didn’t kill anyone, and the dead body was the woman that have the green
dragon but it was the fake one because she didn’t have many money so she
created a fake one for sell it. And the value of the green dragon the fake one
is $20 or $25 pounds.
LEXIE LIVE FROM NYC (Paula Sanfelix)
Lexie was in a private school of girls called
Leighton academy because she did not have very good marks, and her parents
decided that she should be moved to British (England), Lexie was so unhappy
because she doesn’t have friends over there. She stay with her grandmother, in
the school she can’t use the computer and any mobile phone, later they thought that she was stealing things
from school but her roommate knows that is not true, they became very good
friends, her marks improve, at the end of the year she was an excellent student
with more friends and her roommate was
her BFF, but now she has to move again but this time to NYC. In summer her
friends come to see Lexie to New York they went to see museums and they had an amazing day.
The Mummy returns (Menl Lai Wu)
One day Evelyn and
Rick O'Connell found the bracalet of anubis in an under ground room in an very
old Egiptian temple, then Ank-su-namun want it to revive Imhotep because they
were lover at that time. Ank-su-namun revive he but at the end when the Scorpion
King was going to wake up Rick killed Imhotep and they could go home thanks to
the globe of Izzy and then they said good bye to the Med-Jai soldiers and went
The turn of the Screw (Maxim Castello)
A young governess comes to the
care of two orphaned children in an old mansion. What initially
seems like a pleasant task will lead to a nightmare situation. Children
for a past in which the previous governess, Jessel, and Peter Quint, the boss's
servant and valet, maintained a murky relationship. It could be assumed that
certain abuses occurred. Life with the previous governess and her subsequent
death have left an indelible mark on them
The Fall of the House of Usher. (Marta Martinez)
The story is
about a boy (me) i was friend of a boy called Roderick, he write a letter that
say that he was ill and he want me to go to his house to help him with his
illnesses, the house was old and have a lot of windows also it was very dark.
He has a sister called Madeline that she also had an illness, but the Family
doctor didn’t know What illness she has. Then in the evening she died, and weent
to bring her to her tomb. When the moon appears
to be in the sky, it was a very big storm, and a very strong wind, and my
friend Usher come to my room and i readed a book for him, and we started to
listen a sound that was every time closer and closer then the door opened and
Madeline was there with the hands with blood ans sudenly Roderick death. I run
away from the house and when i was outside the house fell down.
Stranger than friction (Lucas Boluda)
This story is about of a 92 years old grandpa that was in a hospital and his grandson
called Billy.
One day the grandpa was with Billy and Billy
asked him, what I could he give him the next time visit , and the grandpa says
that he will like beer but he had to hide the beer because the doctor didn’t
let him to drink beer and the next day Billy bring the beer to the grandpa and
go to his house.
At the weekend the doctor call Billy and said him, I have a bad new, and
Billy ask what happened and the doctor says your grandpa have died but He have
die happy because of the beer and Billy responded the doctor, I don’t
understand it because I give him the beer to enjoy long life
Merlin and teh Magic Sword (Javier Blasco)
The book tell a story about a
girl that she was at home and one day
her aunt told her to go to her house in the beach, and she asks what is the reason I have to go to your beach
home? Her aunt said there are builders to keep eye on, and I can´t go so you
and your mum are going to check on the builders. Two hours later they go Sarah
and her mum, when they go Sarah wants to discover, she enter to A cave and she
discovered that there were lots of persons dancing typical dances from past
Suddenly an old man say to Sarah
came Sarah you know to swim and Sarah asks why to Merlin and he says you see
that island? She says this place was
magic. then it was the future king Arturo, that needed help of the girl because
the wizard 500 years ago did a terrible enchantment to a sword. She discovers
that she has a very important part to play in the legend of King Arthur and his
magic sword.
Stranger tan fiction (Hugo Boix)
this book there are so many different histories, but I took the history I like
is a man about 75 years old and he can’t listen in the right ear because an
accident with a bus.
evening Charlie was with his friends Jack and Bert in a bar in London.
start to tell a story to Charlie and he laughed and laughed, and he fell of, of
his chair and he hit his head and a paper go out from there.
he lo at the paper that go out of his ear he remembers that paper, it was the
ticket of the bus that it was all the time in his ear, and now he can listen
An American family, Otis, buys an
enchanted English castle. When the family went through the castle saw a blood
stain, the housekeeper tells them that
they can not take it away but they cleaned it and this action angered the
That night the ghost appears with chains but Mr. Otis gives him oil and the twin sons throw pillows at him, humiliating the ghost.
The second night he decides to appear with a suit of armour but he falls and makes a lot of noise and Mrs. Otis gives her an ointment. And the stain continues to appear day after day.
In the end the daughter, Virginia, enters a room and meets the ghost, and he asks her for help to rest in peace because he has no tears or faith. She decides to help him and the fantasy sends her to a hidden cave. The family looks for her and Virginia appears with a box of jewels and takes them to where the corpse of the ghost is where there is an almond tree that has flowered, and it rests in peace.
LONDON (Ferrand Pellicer)
London is one of the
beutiful cities of Europe it is the biggest of England and of Europe as well.
In the 1900 was the biggest city of the world.
London is the
capital of the theatre in old the world. The majority of theatres that are in the world are in London. In 1066 the
king william want to build the white tower in the city of London.
London has 8.200.000
habitnats that live in London almost is
the same nunber that in 1900 In that time London was biggest city of the world,
Romeo and Juliet (Emma Martinez)
Many years
ago, in an Italian city, Verona, there were two families who were at enmity. One day one of these families organized a masked ball
and Romeo attended this dance. Romeo met the
beautiful daughter of his enemy family Juliet,
they fell in love that same instant they saw each other They decided to meet each other secretly because their families
would never accept this love. Due to a family
revenge, they were going to exiled Romeo, Juliet to avoid a concerted marriage, she decided to
pretend that she had committed suicide and then reunited with Romeo forever. Juliet send a warning to Romeo
about what was going to happen but for some reason he did not receive the
notice. When he sees Juliet
he thought that she was really dead, then he committed suicide, Juliet when she woke up and saw that Romeo had died she also took her own life.
Merlin and the Magic Sword (Elena Perez)
One day, while she is staying with her aunt in Cornwall,
Sarah goes to visit the ruins of Tintagel Castle, where some people believe
King Arthur lived. When it starts to rain, she goes into a cave for shelter and
soon finds herself in a different world, a different time, inside this cave it
was a wizard that told her that this place was magic. then it was the future
king Arturo, that needed help of the girl because the wizard 500 years ago did
a terrible enchantment to a sword
She discovers that she has a very important part to play in
the legend of King Arthur and his magic sword, Excalibur.
David was a hero of the revolution. But he was known like The Black Corsair.
He was only 16 years
old when he went to fight for the revolution, an twenty now he was sailing
But he now it was an
outlaw, he run over the hills he knew as
a child. One day when he wake up he
remember that it was
the birthday of his mother and he prepared a card and a delicious breackfast,
his mother have to
go to the hospital and he was so angry.
The black corsair
had to go to to fight, and so after, many years later The Black Corsair
returned home.
He was please to see
his mother again, but the sea was calling him.
It was time to leave
once agian
book tells the story of the life of the pirate Captain Jack Sparrow. The story
happens on the captain's boat, called the Black Pearl. He tells us the
adventures he has to do to pay the debt to the Pirate ghost Davy Jones. The
Captain sails in some misterious islands at the end they chain and suddenly a
safety boat is lost and the key disappears and they think that the one who took
the boat has the key.
There were two boys called David and Mark who wanted to do a club for investigating like Sherlock Holmes and they started a club called Sherlock Holmes Club. Then, one girl called Emily wanted to join to the club and Emily say to David and Mark that in her grandma’s house a mistery was taking place. Mark and David accept to join Emily into the club and they try to resolve the problem…
Could they solve the mistery?
Ricky was a very clever child who loves filming. But there is a problem, he loves to record his friends but without the consent of them. But in the end one of his friends realized that he was recording them and told the other friends. Then when they saw Ricky his friends were very angry, but Ricky did not give him importance. When the days passed Ricky realized that his friends were there, and he did not want to lose them, so he asked them to forgive. In the end they all forgive each other and made a movie all together of superheroes and Ricky was the director.

This book is a diary of a boy called Adrian Mole, he is 13 years old. He has a father, a mother, a grandma and a dog.
In this book he tells how he feels and what he does. He feels bad because of many different reasons: he has the face plenty of pimples; also because one partner of class, Barry, hits him if he doesn’t pay some money; his parents have divorced because everything in his house is a disaster and they don’t have so much money. In some moments he feels good because he is in love with Pandora and also because he has a friend called Ningel who supports him.
Princess on the run tells the story about a princess and a servant who fall in love.
The king Alexander doesn’t want the princess Priscilla to marry with a servant because the king wants that his daughter to marry with his best friend. His friend Lord Huntingdon was an old man, ugly and serious.
In the Royal room the king announces the wedding of Priscilla with the Lord Huntingdon, the princess ran out of the palace. The servant and Priscilla take a horse and ride off into the night. They arrived to Scotland and took refuge in a little old house.
After a few weeks the king ordered to look for them and he told that when Priscilla and the servant went back home they would marry, but it was all a lie.
Priscilla and Toby went home and the king tried to kill Toby. During the celebration of the king’s birthday, the princess with princess Celia told all that happens and the commander take the king and lord Huntington.
The Queen announces that Priscilla and Toby are the new King and queen.
My book is as a guide to travel over New York. The book talks about the Statue of Liberty, Central park, shops and many more things you can find in there. I have learnt a lot of things about this city, even more than I thought. I really recommend this book. If you want to travel to New York, this is your book!
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Lexie was in a private school of girls called Leighton academy because she did not have very good marks, and her parents decided t...
Penny is a girl who lived in a house in the country and always played with her friends, also played with a dog named Holly. One day, they ha...
The book is about a family that lives in China. In times of war one man from every must join the army and his father´s name is the f...